Inclosure 3(CA/PSYOPS) to letter, Headquarters, 1st Battalion 11th Infantry, 21 July 1970

SUBJECT: Task Force 1-11 Combat After Action     
                   Report (Operation GREEN RIVER)  (U)



1.  During Operation GREEN RIVER, Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations expanded in its role, and further enhanced its efficiency. For this report the area covered will be Civil Affairs, Psychological Operations and the Kit Carson Scout Program.

      a.  CIVIL AFFAIRS:  It has been the goal of the1st Bn, 11th Inf to establish a substantial Civil Affairs program with the District Chief of MAI LINH District and to maintain close liaison with the MACV District Senior Advisor.  Effective communications have been established with the District and all activities programed for MAI LINH are submitted to the District Chief and approved or disapproved by him. Those projects that can be successfully accomplished by employing personnel and material assets of this battalion are undertaken. To date many such community development projects may be credited to the Civil Affairs section of the 1st Bn, 11th Inf. However, those projects that require major support are channeled through province, and any material request is completed at that level. The function of the section in this instance is one of supervising the acquisition and distribution of allocated material, and of advising a self-help labor force in the actual construction. A project has been prepared to more clearly identify such program fields. Projects initiated during Operation GREEN RIVER and either completion dates or programed completion dates are as follows:


LA VANG Road- 29 May 1970


HAI QUY Road- 31 Aug 1970


Disabled Veteran’s Consvalescent Center- 30 Sept 1970


TIEN-DUC Primary School- 30 Sept 1970


QUANG TRI Primary School- 16 Oct 1970

  (6) In addition to construction projects, the following were distributed:

(a) Food: An estimated 650 pounds of foodstuffs were distributed within MAI LINH District during all phases.

  (b)  School Kits: 523 School Kits were distributed.   

 Approximately 1700 4.2 ammo boxes were delivered to the District Chief


to be used in constructing school desks and benches, or other related civic action projects such as village bulletin boards or dispensary shelving



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[Webmaster: Green River TF 1-11 Inclosure 3 CA/PSYOPS  continued]