SUBJECT: Task Force 1-11 Combat After Action Report

10 August 1970

                   GREENE RIVER)  (U)



It is bordered on the south by the Ba Long Valley and on the north by the Piedmont plains of Northern I Corps. HAI LANG District along the coastal plain is composed of sandy beaches, sand dune areas up to 6 miles in width and interdicted with lightly vegetated plains. The relatively flat agricultural areas then moving west into rolling ridges and foothills which gradually rise up to form into mountain chains.



       a. Phase I: TF and AO realignment insured optimum coverage during the high threat period of TET. TF 1-11 coordinated AO changes with adjacent units and insured security of installations and units involved in exchange of AO’s. TF 1-11 continued search and clear, rocker suppression and reconnaissance in force operations.

        b. Phase II: See After Action Report, OPERATION DAKOTA CLINT.

       c. Phase III: TF 1-11 continued search and clear, rocker suppression and reconnaissance in force operations in AO GREEN with an infantry heavy team in the western portion of the AO and a tank heavy team in the eastern portion of the AO. One company plus secured FSB FULLER. Recon teams conducted daylight surveillance and night ambush operations in assigned zones in AO GREEN

        d. Phase IV: TF 1-11 conducted search and clear, rocket suppression and reconnaissance in force operations in AO GREEN and AO RED. Recon teams continued daylight surveillance and night ambush operations in assigned zones of AO FREEN. TF 1-11 displaced a liason detachment to HAI LANG District Headquarters to conduct combined operations with two RF companies, and assist in security of GVN general elections from 18 June to 30 June. Plt, A Battery, 514th Artillery was displaced to FSB NANCY in direct support.

        e. Phase V: TF 1-11 conducted search and clear, rocket suppression, and reconnaissance in force operations in AO GREEN and secured FSB HOLCOMB. Recon teams continued daylight surveillance and night ambush operations in assigned zones of AO GREEN.



     During this operation TF 1-11 operated with either three or four rifle companies. Some of the time when there were only three rifle companies there was an armor company OPCON to TF 1-11. Fours months of this period covered by this operation one company plus was occupied in fire support base defense (FSB FULLER – 19 Jan to 10 Mar).  During Phase II and Phase IV combined operations were conducted with RF/PF and CIDG units. These operations include the integration of units down to squad level. One company of TF 1-11 was RRF for the 1st Brigade, 5th Infantry Division (M). This company maintained one platoon (+) on alert at all times and was prepared to supplement with the entire company. The remaining infantry companies were used in search and clear, reconnaissance in force, rocket suppression, and pacification operations In AO GREEN.







[Webmaster: Green River TF 1-11 page 9]