(18)  Grenade Hand WP:  304

(19)  Grenade Hand CS:  402

(20)  Grenade Hand Smoke:  3,481

(21)  66mm Law Rkt:  280

(22)  Claymore:  1,855

(23)  Trip Flare:  2,724

(24)  Sig Illum Star and Para:  2,148

(25)  Elec Blast Cap:  846

(26)  Non Elec Blast Cap:  2,350

(27)  Time Fuze:  2,050

(28)  Det Cord:  13,350

(29)  C4:  2,710

(30)  Demo Kits:  24

c.    Case Hardening Materials:

(1)  Sandbags:  20,500

(2)  Engineer Stakes:  5,250


3.  Operation Wolf Mountain was characterized by the smooth flow of resupply to its forward maneuver elements.  Excellent aircraft support was received from organic aviation assets as well as supporting aircraft from the 101st Airmobile Division.

4.  The latter half of this reporting period did however show some difficulties in securing the completion of necessary engineer work but with few shortcomings the resupply system remained good.




[Webmaster: Wolfe Mountain TF 1-11 page 2-1]