SUBJECT: Task Force 1-11 Combat After Action Report

10 August 1970

                   GREENE RIVER)  (U)



          c. Phase III:  TF 1-11 conducts search and clear, rocket suppression, and reconnaissance in force operations along Thach Han River; secures FSB FULLER with a company size element; continues security and pacification liaison with Huong Hoa and Mai Linh District Headquarters.

          d. Phase IV:  TF 1-11 conducts search and clear, rocket suppression, and reconnaissance in force operations in AO GREEN and AO RED to interdict enemy forces attempting to disrupt GVN elections in Hai Lang District; continues reconnaissance operations north of the Thach Han River; and continues security and pacification liaison with Mai Linh District Headquarters.

           e. Phase V: TF 1-11 conducts search and clear, rocket suppression, and reconnaissance in force operations in expanded AO GREEN and secures FSB HOLCOMB.


(9)    (C)   Intelligence:

          (a)  Enemy Situation:

                     (1)  Phase I:  During phase I enemy activity was characterized by contacts with small VC/VCI elements in AO GREEN.  Intelligence showed a build up of main NVA forces in the BA Long Valley with preparations by these large forces for the TET offensive 70, however main contacts with these elements did not occur. Activities of VC/VCI in the AO GREEN and surrounding AO’s in early February led to confirmation of attempts by VC elements to reestablish the Trieu Phong or Quang Ha Committees which had been rendered almost ineffective during latter 1969 and January 1970 by allied units.

                     (2)  Phase II:  On 12 and 16 February 1970 VC/Hoi Chanhs interrogated by the 517 MI gave further information on the reestablishment of VC base camps in the Ba Long Valley area and the mountains to the north. The nature of the enemy activities were to step up mining of main tank trails due to the increasing presence of allied mechanized elements, to improve its liaison responsibility both between 7th Front Headquarters and themselves and provide guides for infiltrating NVA elements. This was to be accomplished by further strengthening of the H-160 Sapper Company (approximately 45 men) which was to work directly for the Trieu Phong District VC element. The overall nature of enemy activities in and around TF 1-11 AO during Phases I and II was preparation for the conducting of the post TET and Summer offensives of 1970.

                     (3)  Phase III:  On 2 March 1970 contact was made by a Ranger Team of the 101st Division (Ambl) in western QT Province that established the presence of the 304th NVA Div Hq in SVN. Further document readout established that the Div’s 17th Truck Transportation Bn and 15th Engineer Bn were supporting the movement of an Inf Regt, possibly the 66th, into SVN and that its area of operation would be near the coastal plains of HAI LANG at an unknown future date.







[Webmaster: Green River TF 1-11 page 7]