Nels Voldseth, 1LT, First Platoon




Courtesy of


Nels Voldseth




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Then Nels Voldseth at FSB Anne June 1971

Now Kim and Nels Voldseth, December 2011


Scruffy the dog and Glock the cat



Left LT Hughlett, 2nd Platoon Leader

Front Row L to R: SSG Herman Stephen,  Richard Allor,

Right sitting  LT Packer Artillery FO

 Aaron Parks, Daniel Shumaker, SFC Joe Evy


 Second Row: Edward Daniels, Roy Cowins, Keal,


 Charles Matheis, Larry Winer, Steve Sullens


 Back Row: Dave Oldenburg, Dave Gustafson


 Angel Carpio, Michael Schwartz



  Not pictured: Curtis Fliehmann, Nels Voldseth



Charles Ames


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